Wikipedia gives a very detailed info about HTTP Cookies - , it's usage, advantages, disadvantages etc. I was curious perticularly about the size limitations of HTTP cookie. W3C has published specifications around HTTP State Management Mechanism, which gives further details about recommandations for the brower / server implementation groups about the usage of cookies. Accourding to the official version, it doesn't impose any upper limit to the user agent (browser) about handling cookies, though it says that user agent should atleast support 300 cookies, at least 4096 bytes per cookie, and at least 20 cookies per unique host or domain name. If you think about this, it's a relatively a big storage if I can use 20*4096 bytes =~ 80KB local storage per domain. Now, I wanted to make sure every thing works as defined before I jump in to a cookie-base application (like a database). So, I created a ...